Post by Bink BAfter that time away there still a certain elegance Sasha brings to the
table these other "girls" don't have. Well done tonight.
She will need a triple-triple in that short at the Olympics. I know
she has been practicing the 3-lz-3Toe at the practices this week, can
anyone tell me if she has been consistently landing them. though she
still has 4 week until the olympics.
And probably two triple-triples in the long: so for the long 3-lz-3Toe
and 3 sal-3 toe, or perhaps a 3- sal half loop -3 sal ( yeah, I know,
not really a combination).
And I would like to see a new move in the long...a new
spin...something new, or old brought back like when Kwan brought back
the Charlotte. She needs to give the Judges something besides the
old. Hmm wonder is she is working on that quad sal.
This group has really gotten quiet in recent years, hard to believe
U.S. nationals are going on.