The END of online sports could be near, this is NOT BULLSHIT!!!!
(too old to reply)
2011-10-25 20:57:50 UTC
The end of online sports broadcasting, REGARDLESS of WHERE it comes
from could be near, and this is *NOT* BULLSHIT!!!!!!

There are rumors that the House version of the Protect IP Act could be
even WORSE than the Senate version.

This one REALLY COULD shut down streaming providers, and others
site, that rely on user-generated cotent. And this could also affect
online broadcasts of figure skating, REGARDLESS of where you
get it from.

Whether you get it from us, from IceNetwork, Eurosport, Sportbox,
or anywhere else, chances are they utilise some kind of streaming
service provider, to handle the bandwidth. So for those who enjoy
getting skating broadcasts online, whether be from us, or anywhere
else, it may come to an end.

And this rumored house version of SO broad, that it could get
Figure Skating Universe and GoldenSkate blacklisted, becuase
there are links, sometimes, which MIGHT be considered pirate,
under this version.

If Figure Skating Universe and/or GoldenSkate are ever blacklisted,
it would be done through DNS, and this can be trivial to circumvent.
And this what makes Windows SUPERIOR to Mac or Linux,

You just need to put these entries in your hosts file www.fsuniverse.net www.goldenskate.com

What this will do is cause windows to use what is on your hosts file, and
not use your ISPs DNS servers to locate a site, so no matter what the
government orders done ot the DNS servers, you can still access
both sites, as Windows will refer to your hosts file first.

Note this is ONLY for users of WINDOWS. There is NO hosts
file in Mac, Linux, or Unix, or ANY equivalent. PIPA is one GOOD
reason why Mac, Linux, and Unix users should switch to Windows,
becuase of the hosts file that can be modified by the user.

Onlnie radio and TV is a low margin business, and most of us just
do NOT have the kind of money it would take to run our own streaming
server full time, given the bandwidth costs, so the House version of
PIPA, if the rumors are true, and going to put an END to the online
radio industry.

I have done online broadcasting of skating, since 1995, and I must
say it's been grand folks. It has been what has been 17 season now of
brodcasting skating online, And I did it on pirate shortwave, before
that. I broadcast skating, in some capacity, since 1984, and
the changes I have seen in nearly 28 years have been quite a lot.

At the time I began broacasting skating in 1984, the idea that
the Russians would EVER *NOT* be at the top of the podium
in either pairs or ice dancing would be been unthinkable. And
people would have been ROFLLTAO, had the idea of America
EVER winning medals in ice dance been brought up. Before
Belbin and Agosto, the idea of America ever winning a medal
in ice dancing would be been considered "Alien Space Bats".
Before Belbin and Agosto, America was a lighteweight in ice
dance. Before Belbin in Agosto, anyone would bust
a gut laughing at the idea of any American couple ever
winning a medal in ice dance.

It was just last year then history was made when Sarah
Meier became the first ever Swiss lady to win Europeans.
The only other skater of any ilk Switzerland ever had was
in the mens disicipline, with Stephane Lambiel, who won
world and Olympic medals for Switzerland. Switzerland
has excelled in all other winter sports, but NOT in figure

IF this is to be the end for us, and other figure skating
broadcasters, we will be long remembered for bringing
skating broadcasts to parts of the world that would not
normally see it. Before ICracveTV was shut down in
2000 for copyright infringment, their rebroadcasts of
TV stations in Toronto and Buffalo exposed parts of the
USA to skating which would not normally have it. Not
many TV or radio stations south of the Mason Dixon
line would have skating on. I don't think very many
people in places like Selma, Montgomery, or Biloxi
would generate that much of an audience for skating.
More Southernors prefer football or baseball to sports
like figure skating. Before ICraceTV, I doubt that
the Los Angeles area would have had that much
of an audience for figure skating. Prior to 2002
North Americans, there has NEVER been any
skating event within a days drive of wither the
Los Angeles or San Diego. But us, and ICraceTV
actually paved the way for figure skating to become
more mainstream in the LA area. Since the days
of ICraveTV, the Toyota Center, EastWest
Arena, Westminster Ice Palace, and a rink
in Pasadena, have been built. Before 2000, there
were no ice rinks in the LA area. So we give
credit to the former ICracveTV, for exposing
people in the LA area to figure skating, though
their online rebroadcasts of TV stations
in Toronto and Buffalo.
2011-10-25 23:47:08 UTC
Post by Chilly8
If Figure Skating Universe and/or GoldenSkate are ever blacklisted,
it would be done through DNS, and this can be trivial to circumvent.
And this what makes Windows SUPERIOR to Mac or Linux,
You just need to put these entries in your hosts file www.fsuniverse.net www.goldenskate.com
I would post this on FSU and/or GS, but some admins might
see it as Spam. Out a number of usernames I have registered
on GoldenSkate, only TWO have ever been banned. One of them
was when I posted an alert about one bill, in the lame duck session
of the 2006-2007 Congress that would have affected nearly every
message board out there, It had said "Reason: Spam". So be VERY
careful if you decide to post anything about this on either Figure Skating
Universe or GoldenSkate, they might see it as Spam. That happened
to my "FritzOwl" username, in late December of 2006, when I had
posted an alert about one bill that would have affected them.

You MIGHT get away with in in the political section of the
Figure Skating Universe board, but even there I would be

The word MUST be gotten out about this bill. The way
I see it, this bill could even censor Usenet. Now, AIOE
is headquarted in Italy, with servers in Holland. However,
the Americans WILL find a way to make their laws apply
there. However, you can foil any blocking of AIOE by
adding these lines to your Windows hosts file news.aioe.oeg nntop.aioe.org

This will allow your newsreader software to access aioe.org
even if the governments orders your ISP to muck with its
DNS server to try and block access.

While this is the worst thing to happen to the net since the
Communications Decency Act, I am not going to go far
as one nutcase did. There was one guy, that I was accused
of being, that also used Penet.fi accounts, that called for
boycotting the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, and called for
Americans to be deliberately be scored down in subjectively
judged sports, such as gymnastics and skating. They did
have some success in doing that, as Nicole Bobeck was
smacked down HARD by the judges at 1995 Worlds.
First in qualifying, first after the SP, but only FOURTH
in the long program? I don't care WHAT people like
Louis Epstein, who has flamed me off and on for many
years about this says. There is no other POSSIBLE explantion
for what happened to Nicole at 1995 Worlds.

I do fear, though, that American skaters may well be caught
in the middle, as SOMEONE will try to use them as a
political bargaining chip to stop this law. I understand the
implications of this law, but using atheletes is a poltical
tool is the WRONG way to do it. Carted tried that with
the 1980 Olympic boycott, and there was some talk,
after the South Ossetia War, in 2008, of boycotting
the 2014 Olympics.
Jeanne Douglas
2011-10-26 01:57:23 UTC
Post by Chilly8
The end of online sports broadcasting, REGARDLESS of WHERE it comes
from could be near, and this is *NOT* BULLSHIT!!!!!!
Of course it is. Everything you post is bullshit.

"the lybian lier"
2011-10-26 03:03:01 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Chilly8
The end of online sports broadcasting, REGARDLESS of WHERE it comes
from could be near, and this is *NOT* BULLSHIT!!!!!!
Of course it is. Everything you post is bullshit.
This is NO HOAX!!! This version of the Protect IP Act is something
that fans of "niche" sports, such as figure skating need to be aware
of. This really could affect your ability to watch skating online.

It does not matter WHERE you get your skating coverage from,
be it us, IceNetwork, or Universal Sports. This law could could
really affect that.

A couple of Senators well known for being in the back pockets
of the copyright industry could get their commupance in the
elections next year when a lot of unemployed and pissed off
tech workers vote their asses out of office.

And with hacktivists like Anonymous, America could really
feel their wrath. I do believe that at the Masters Series Final
last year that Rachael Flatt did get screwed over. Even if the
she have a less than steller skate, I think she should have been
more like 3rd or 4th, rather than dead last. I was lurking in
one of their chat rooms a few days before, and there was talk of
mucking with the scoring compiuter at the Masters/GP
final. You can say what you like, but think Rachael should
have been no lower than fourth after the short at least year's
series final. The only reason Alissa was able to win the
series final is becuase some of the other skaters managed
to screw up bad enough . Otherwise, she, too, would
have also taken a royal screwing.

These guys at Anonymous mean BUSINESS. America is
just apt to feel the wrath of Anonymous if this bill goes
through and in many different ways.

And with the number of out of work and pissed off
tech workers there are going to be, if this goes through,
I don't think Anonymous will have any trouble recruiting
new people to their ranks. And unlike the ones that
have been arrested, we are talking tech professionals
who would know how to do it, without getting caught.
If Anonymous gets enough out of work tech professionals
in their ranks, it will spell a LOT of trouble. The Anonymous
hacktivists that have been arrested are AMATEURS, compared
to that kind of people that Anonymous could recruit into their
ranks if this bill goes through. The kind of people that Anonymous
could end up with in their ranks would know how to commit
a DDoS attack and never get caught.

If you work ANYWHERE in the tech industry, be afraid,
be VERY afraid!!!

Becuase YouTube could shut down, if this law goes through,
if you have any favourite YouTube videos you like, better
record your own copies now, before YouTube dissapears.

There are a lot of skating videos there. If there are any you
like, you better get software, such as Replay Media Catcher,
and record them NOW, while you still can.

This rumored version of the Protect IP Act is so bad
that it could RUIN the internet, and kill a LOT of
good paying high tech jobs. I figure that a lot of tech
firms will have to either shut down, or leave the country,
taking all their jobs with them.

There are still countries out there willing to tell America
to take a long walk off a short pier. I could see these
companies setting up shop in, say, Iran, which HATES
America so much, that they will tell the United States to
DROP DEAD, if America raised a stink about such
companies operating out of Iran. Ahmoud Amaninijad
would almost certainly tell America to shove their ass.

Syria's Bashar Assad would also certain tell the American
auhthorities to go screw themselves.
Thomas Groom
2011-10-26 05:36:02 UTC
Post by Chilly8
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Post by Chilly8
The end of online sports broadcasting, REGARDLESS of WHERE it comes
from could be near, and this is *NOT* BULLSHIT!!!!!!
Of course it is. Everything you post is bullshit.
This is NO HOAX!!!
You haven't posted one piece of truth in over 15 years, why start now.
Jeanne Douglas
2011-10-26 02:17:15 UTC
Post by Chilly8
At the time I began broacasting skating in 1984, the idea that
the Russians would EVER *NOT* be at the top of the podium
in either pairs or ice dancing would be been unthinkable. And
people would have been ROFLLTAO, had the idea of America
EVER winning medals in ice dance been brought up. Before
Belbin and Agosto, the idea of America ever winning a medal
in ice dancing would be been considered "Alien Space Bats".
Before Belbin and Agosto, America was a lighteweight in ice
dance. Before Belbin in Agosto, anyone would bust
a gut laughing at the idea of any American couple ever
winning a medal in ice dance.
Fuck you.

How dare you steal the nationalities of Colleen O'Connor
and James Millns, and Carol Ann Peters / Daniel Ryan, and Carmel Bodel /
Edward Bodel, and Sharon McKenzie / Bert Wright, and Andree Anderson /
Donald Jacoby, and Lorna Dyer / John Carrell, and Judy Schwomeyer /
James Sladky, and Judy Blumberg / Michael Seibert.

All those are AMERICAN couples who won dance medals in either Worlds or
the Olympics.

Why do you think it's acceptable to steal their nationalities. Still
waiting for an answer from you on this issue.
Post by Chilly8
It was just last year then history was made when Sarah
Meier became the first ever Swiss lady to win Europeans.
The only other skater of any ilk Switzerland ever had was
in the mens disicipline, with Stephane Lambiel, who won
world and Olympic medals for Switzerland. Switzerland
has excelled in all other winter sports, but NOT in figure
What the fuck is wrong with you, that you think you can steal people's
nationalities like this?

Swiss skaters who won medals at Worlds the Olympics are: Hans
Gerschwiler, Denise Biellmann, Silvia Grandjean / Michel Grandjean,
Post by Chilly8
Prior to 2002
North Americans, there has NEVER been any
skating event within a days drive of wither the
Los Angeles or San Diego.
This may actually be one of the stupidest things you've ever said. and
that's saying a lot.
Post by Chilly8
But us, and ICraceTV
actually paved the way for figure skating to become
more mainstream in the LA area. Since the days
of ICraveTV, the Toyota Center, EastWest
Arena, Westminster Ice Palace, and a rink
in Pasadena, have been built. Before 2000, there
were no ice rinks in the LA area.
Where do you think all the LA skaters skated, you moron?
Post by Chilly8
So we give
credit to the former ICracveTV, for exposing
people in the LA area to figure skating, though
their online rebroadcasts of TV stations
in Toronto and Buffalo.
Since I live in LA and I've never heard of iCrave, this idiotiic premise
is completely destroyed.

"the lybian lier"
2011-10-26 05:57:19 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Since I live in LA and I've never heard of iCrave, this idiotiic premise
is completely destroyed.
ICracveTV was a Canadian outfit that got shut down in 2000.
They were not violating Canadian laws, but the owner was
apparently a US citizen living in Toronto that the American
authorities decided was subject to US laws. They broke no
Canadian laws of the time, but they did break US laws.
2011-10-26 04:28:08 UTC
"Chilly8" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:j877si$hgq$***@speranza.aioe.org...
Becuase of this new law, we regret to say that
we will be changing formats to a more music
oriented format sometime in December.

We will change sometime after the completion
of the Master Of Figure Skating Series (formerly
known at the Hatchet Job Invitational Series), or
what Don Del Grande has called the "Cup Of
Chuckie" Series.

If this is the last season of the series, I would
love for it to end with an Aussie winning one
event in the GP final, and it is possible. If this
is to be the last Masters Series, I would love
nothing more than to see an Aussie win the
last one. We have two Australian ladies that
could do it, if they can just keep from melting
down in the long. If the Masters Final is to
be the last, I would love nothing more than
to go out yelling "Aussie Aussie Aussie" into
the mic at the top of my lungs one last time,
as an Aussie wins. That is the way I would
love to go out.

Just in case a future Congreess sees fit to
repeal this outrage, we will archive all the
usernames in phpBB, MediaWiki and
Joomla, so that we can restore them just
the way we were, if we do come back.

The format that we will be switching too will
be much like these "we play anything" stations,
but we will also have a lot of the country, rap
and metal, that were a part of the Hot 100,
that a lot of these stations omit.

In the years of the Maters Series (formerly the
Hatchet Jon Inviational Series), these
have been the winners since its inception in
the 1995-1996 season:


1995 Michelle Kwan USA
1996 Tara Lapinski USA
1997 Tara Lapinski USA
1998 Tatiana Malinina Uzbekistan
1999 Irina Slutskaya Russia
2000 Irina Skutskaya Russia
2001 Irina Slutsskaya Russia
2002 Sasha Cohen USA
2003 Fumi Suguri Japan
2004 Irina Slutskaya Australia
2005 Mao Asada Ognian Federation
2006 Kim Yu-Na South Korea
2007 Kim Yu0Na South Korea
2008 Mao Asada Ognian Federaton
2009 Kim Yu Na South Korea
2010 Alissa Czisny USA


1995 Alexei Urmanov United Oblasts of Bellinsguazenia
1996 Elvis Stojko Australia
1997 Ilya Kulik Russia
1998 Alexei Yagudin Russia
1999 Evgeni Pliushenko Russia
2000 Evgeni Pliushenko Russia
2001 Alexei Yagudin Russia
2002 Evgeni Pliushenko Russia
2003 Emmanuel Sandhu Canada
2004 Evgeni Pliushenko Russia
2005 Stephane Lambiel Switzerland
2006 Brian Joubert France
2007 Stephane Lambiel Switzerland
2008 Jeremy Abbott United States
2009 Evan Lysacek St Kitts
2010 Patrick Chan Canada

Ice Dancing

1995 Grishuck/Platov United Oblasts of Bellinsguazenia
1996 Bourne/Kraat Canada
1997 Grishuck/Platov United Oblasts of Bellinsguazenia
1998 Kylova/Ovsianikov Turkmenistan
1999 Annisina/Al-Peizerat United Arab Emirates
2000 Fusar-Poli/Margagalio Italy
2001 Bourne/Kraatz Canada
2002 Lobacheva/Averbukh Russia
2003 Nava/Kostomorov United Oblasts of Bellinsguazenia
2004 Nava/Kostomorov United Oblasts of Bellinsguazenia
2005 Nava/Kostomorov United Oblasts of Bellinsguazenia
2006 Dekova/Staviyski Bulgaria
2007 Dominina/Shabalin Russia
2008 Delobel/Schoenfelder France
2009 Davis/White Antigua
2010 Davis/White Antigua


1995 Shiskova/Naumov United Oblasts of Bellinsguazenia
1996 Woetzel/Steuer New Schwabia
1997 Berezhnaya/Sikharlidze Russia
1998 Shen/Zhao China
1999 Shen/Zhao China
2000 Sale/Pelletier Canada
2001 Sale/Pelletier Canada
2002 Totmiana/Marinin United Oblasts of Bellinsguazenia
2003 Shen/.Zhao China
2004 Shen/Zhao China
2005 Totmiana/Marinin United Oblasts of Bellinsguazenia
2006 Shen/Zhao China
2007 Savchenko/Szolkowy Germany
2008 Pang/Tong China
2009 Shen/Zhao China
2010 Savchenko/Szolkowy Germany
Thomas Groom
2011-10-26 05:42:31 UTC
Becuase of the new Del Taco Manager, we regret to say that
we will be removed from our toilet stall.
Time to put your pants back on and leave the men's room.
2011-10-26 05:54:39 UTC
Post by Thomas Groom
Becuase of the new Del Taco Manager, we regret to say that
we will be removed from our toilet stall.
Time to put your pants back on and leave the men's room.
I lived in Australia for 15 years and now live in Balleney. The
House version of PIPA could also close one loophole that has
allowed smaller companies into the game. By blocking certain
countries, we don't have to worry much about hving to buy
broadcast rights to any sports event we broadcast. If the
rumored House bill goes through, it could end that loophole,
and put a lot of the smaller companies that do sports broadcasting
out of business.

As I have said before, it is only becuase of folks like us that
"niche" sports, such as figure skating has become available to
a wide audience. With servers in the USA, we only have to
recognise US laws, as most foreign governments, outside of
ACTA and TPP signatory nations, cannot take any action,
as long as the content does not violate US law. This has allowed
us to bring figure skating, and other nice sports, to sizeable part
of the world, where you would never see them.

That is why you see sites, including us, blocking access to
certain countries, even though the servers are in the USA.
This loophole has allowed a lot of smaller broadcasters to get
into the game.

This bill, if Demand Progress is correct about what is in there,
will destroy a lot of companies and a lot of tech jobs. You could
see unemployment at rates not seen since the Great Recession
of 1973 to 1984, or even the Great Depression in the 1930s.
THAT is how bad this bill would be, if Demand Progress is

And I am not bluffing, when I say that this could bring recruits
into the ranks of Anoymous who could commit ther DoS attacks
without ever getting caught. We are talking professionals with
every imaginable college degree in tech, who could be able to
do it without ever getting caught, or at least not leaving enough
evidence to present to a jury.
Thomas Groom
2011-10-26 07:21:01 UTC
Post by Chilly8
Post by Thomas Groom
Becuase of the new Del Taco Manager, we regret to say that
we will be removed from our toilet stall.
Time to put your pants back on and leave the men's room.
I lived in Australia for 15 years and now live in Balleney.
More like baloney.
Jeanne Douglas
2011-10-27 02:32:55 UTC
Post by Chilly8
Post by Thomas Groom
Becuase of the new Del Taco Manager, we regret to say that
we will be removed from our toilet stall.
Time to put your pants back on and leave the men's room.
I lived in Australia for 15 years
You're lying.
Post by Chilly8
and now live in Balleney.
Another lie. There's not even any such place. Though I would imagine the
rest of us would be thrilled if you'd go to your imaginary home and
never lie here again.

"the lybian lier"
Jeanne Douglas
2011-10-27 02:30:29 UTC
Post by Chilly8
Becuase of this new law, we regret to say that
we will be changing formats to a more music
oriented format sometime in December.
We will change sometime after the completion
of the Master Of Figure Skating Series (formerly
known at the Hatchet Job Invitational Series), or
what Don Del Grande has called the "Cup Of
Chuckie" Series.
If this is the last season of the series, I would
love for it to end with an Aussie winning one
event in the GP final, and it is possible. If this
is to be the last Masters Series, I would love
nothing more than to see an Aussie win the
last one. We have two Australian ladies that
could do it, if they can just keep from melting
down in the long.
There is not even one Aussie skater with a chance to win a medal in any
skating discipline.

So, why do you think it's acceptable to steal people's nationalities.
Post by Chilly8
If the Masters Final is to
be the last, I would love nothing more than
to go out yelling "Aussie Aussie Aussie" into
the mic at the top of my lungs one last time,
as an Aussie wins. That is the way I would
love to go out.
Since there are no Aussies, it's great to know that you won't get any
Post by Chilly8
1995 Michelle Kwan USA
1996 Tara Lapinski USA
1997 Tara Lapinski USA
1998 Tatiana Malinina Uzbekistan
1999 Irina Slutskaya Russia
2000 Irina Skutskaya Russia
2001 Irina Slutsskaya Russia
2002 Sasha Cohen USA
2003 Fumi Suguri Japan
2004 Irina Slutskaya Australia
2005 Mao Asada Ognian Federation
You were doing so well and then you chose to steal Mao's nationality.

Post by Chilly8
2006 Kim Yu-Na South Korea
2007 Kim Yu0Na South Korea
2008 Mao Asada Ognian Federaton
And there you go doing it a 2nd time.

Why the fuck do you think it is acceptable to do this?
Post by Chilly8
2009 Kim Yu Na South Korea
2010 Alissa Czisny USA
1995 Alexei Urmanov United Oblasts of Bellinsguazenia
There's no such place.

Urmanov is Russian.

Why do you feel free to steal his nationality?
Post by Chilly8
1996 Elvis Stojko Australia
How dare you steal a good Canadian's nationality; what gives you the
Post by Chilly8
1997 Ilya Kulik Russia
1998 Alexei Yagudin Russia
1999 Evgeni Pliushenko Russia
2000 Evgeni Pliushenko Russia
2001 Alexei Yagudin Russia
2002 Evgeni Pliushenko Russia
2003 Emmanuel Sandhu Canada
2004 Evgeni Pliushenko Russia
2005 Stephane Lambiel Switzerland
2006 Brian Joubert France
2007 Stephane Lambiel Switzerland
2008 Jeremy Abbott United States
2009 Evan Lysacek St Kitts
And why do you think you can steal American Lysacek's nationality? By
doing so, you're also stealing the US's gold medal from the 2010
Olympics; why do you think you can commit such a treasonous act?
Post by Chilly8
2010 Patrick Chan Canada
Ice Dancing
1995 Grishuck/Platov United Oblasts of Bellinsguazenia
There's no such place.

Grischuk/Platov skated for Russia.

Why do you feel free to steal their nationality?
Post by Chilly8
1996 Bourne/Kraat Canada
1997 Grishuck/Platov United Oblasts of Bellinsguazenia
There's no such place.

Grischuk/Platov skated for Russia.

Why do you feel free to steal their nationality?
Post by Chilly8
1998 Kylova/Ovsianikov Turkmenistan
How dare you steal their Russian nationality?
Post by Chilly8
1999 Annisina/Al-Peizerat United Arab Emirates
There's no such skater named Al-Peizerat.

Why do you feel free to steal his name as well as his nationality?
Post by Chilly8
2000 Fusar-Poli/Margagalio Italy
2001 Bourne/Kraatz Canada
2002 Lobacheva/Averbukh Russia
2003 Nava/Kostomorov United Oblasts of Bellinsguazenia
There's no such place.

They skated for Russia.

Why do you feel free to steal their nationality?
Post by Chilly8
2004 Nava/Kostomorov United Oblasts of Bellinsguazenia
There's no such place.

They skated for Russia.

Why do you feel free to steal their nationality?
Post by Chilly8
2005 Nava/Kostomorov United Oblasts of Bellinsguazenia
There's no such place.

They skated for Russia.

Why do you feel free to steal their nationality?
Post by Chilly8
2006 Dekova/Staviyski Bulgaria
2007 Dominina/Shabalin Russia
2008 Delobel/Schoenfelder France
2009 Davis/White Antigua
You really are a fucking traitor. How dare you steal Meryl and Charlie's
American nationality, and, thereby, stealing the 1st gold medal ever for
the US!

What the fuck gives you the right?
Post by Chilly8
2010 Davis/White Antigua
You really are a fucking traitor. How dare you steal Meryl and Charlie's
American nationality, and, thereby, stealing the 1st gold medal ever for
the US!

What the fuck gives you the right?
Post by Chilly8
1995 Shiskova/Naumov United Oblasts of Bellinsguazenia
There's no such place.

They skated for Russia.

Why do you feel free to steal their nationality?
Post by Chilly8
1996 Woetzel/Steuer New Schwabia
There's no such place.

They skated for Germany.

Why do you feel free to steal their nationality?
Post by Chilly8
1997 Berezhnaya/Sikharlidze Russia
1998 Shen/Zhao China
1999 Shen/Zhao China
2000 Sale/Pelletier Canada
2001 Sale/Pelletier Canada
2002 Totmiana/Marinin United Oblasts of Bellinsguazenia
There's no such place.

They skated for Russia.

Why do you feel free to steal their nationality?
Post by Chilly8
2003 Shen/.Zhao China
2004 Shen/Zhao China
2005 Totmiana/Marinin United Oblasts of Bellinsguazenia
There's no such place.

They skated for Russia.

Why do you feel free to steal their nationality?
Post by Chilly8
2006 Shen/Zhao China
2007 Savchenko/Szolkowy Germany
2008 Pang/Tong China
2009 Shen/Zhao China
2010 Savchenko/Szolkowy Germany


"the lybian lier"
2011-10-27 03:27:07 UTC
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Since there are no Aussies, it's great to know that you won't get any
Au contraire, there are two of them in the Masters circuit
this season. In fact, at the Australian stop on the Masters
circuit this year, they are both going to be there. I would
love to see one of them win a Masters event right in their
home country, which either one could, if she could just
hold it together in the long programme.

If this IS the last Masters Of Figure Skating Series
(fomerly the Hatchet Job Invitationsl Series), or
"Cup Of Chuckie" series, as Don Del Grande likes
to call it, I would very much to see the final one won
by an Aussie. That is very much how I like to go

When the series began in the 1990s, American
ladies used to be the top skaters in the series.
Last year was the first time since 2003 that
any American ladies qualified for the Series Final.
Alissa Czisny was also the first American lady to
medal in the series final since Sasha Cohen won
the silver in the 2003-2004 season, and first to
win since Sasha Cohen in the 2002-2003 season.

In the many years I have broadcast skating, I have
to say that the most DISGRACEFUL display in
SKATING HISTORY was at the 1994 Olys,
when Tonya pulled that stunt with her skate
laces. Listeners of the time to the pirate shortwave
radio station I had could not believe what they
were hearing.

In the years since, fans of Josee Chouinard
that I have talked to in my chat room remain
adament in their belief that Tonya's stunt
screwed up Josee, and screwed her out of a
medal. Even some people in rec.skate who did
not like me, did agree with me, that Josee took
a royal screwing as a result of Tonya's stunt.

You gotta wonder though if Alissa Czisny might
become America's first ladies world champion since
Michelle Kwan in 2003. If we can stick around
through Worlds, I would be yelling that out LOUD
AND PROUD into the mic if that happend, saying
"Alissa Czisny becomes America's FIRST ladies
world champion since 2003!!!!!". If any American
lady should win Worlds, I will be certainly yelling
it out loud and proud, and at the top of my lungs,
that America has won its first ladies world title
since 2003.
Jeanne Douglas
2011-10-27 03:49:17 UTC
Post by Chilly8
Post by Jeanne Douglas
Since there are no Aussies, it's great to know that you won't get any
Au contraire, there are two of them in the Masters circuit
this season. In fact, at the Australian stop on the Masters
circuit this year,
There's no such stop, you fucking liar.
Post by Chilly8
they are both going to be there. I would
love to see one of them win a Masters event right in their
home country, which either one could, if she could just
hold it together in the long programme.
I notice you don't have the guts to name the people whose nationalities
you're stealing.
Post by Chilly8
If this IS the last Masters Of Figure Skating Series
(fomerly the Hatchet Job Invitationsl Series), or
"Cup Of Chuckie" series, as Don Del Grande likes
to call it, I would very much to see the final one won
by an Aussie. That is very much how I like to go
It won't.
Post by Chilly8
In the many years I have broadcast skating, I have
to say that the most DISGRACEFUL display in
SKATING HISTORY was at the 1994 Olys,
when Tonya pulled that stunt with her skate
laces. Listeners of the time to the pirate shortwave
radio station I had could not believe what they
were hearing.
Fuck you and your obsession with Tonya.
Post by Chilly8
You gotta wonder though if Alissa Czisny might
become America's first ladies world champion since
Michelle Kwan in 2003. If we can stick around
through Worlds, I would be yelling that out LOUD
AND PROUD into the mic if that happend, saying
"Alissa Czisny becomes America's FIRST ladies
world champion since 2003!!!!!". If any American
lady should win Worlds, I will be certainly yelling
it out loud and proud, and at the top of my lungs,
that America has won its first ladies world title
since 2003.
Fuck you. How DARE you insult Kimmie Meissner like that, the AMERICAN
world champion in 2006.

"the lybian lier"
2011-10-26 20:45:42 UTC
And it gets worse. One leaked draft of the bill, before
the bill even has a number makes proxies, VPNs,
and other privacy tools illeagal, becuase they CAN
be used to circumvent site blocking mandated under
the law.

That will be another bunch of tech people out
of work. Much as we dislike the fact that dgs
uses them to circumven the bans we place on him,
commercial proxies and VPNs do provide a legitimate
service in protecting people's privacy.

America would become the third country, besides
Oman and Pakistan, to outlaw VPNs. This also
means that logging into a VPN at your office
would be illegal, without a special government
license. This will put a burden on a lot of
businesses that rely on VPNs for secure remote
access to their offices networks.

Tor would also be illegal in America, as well
as proxy lists, such as Samair.

If you have the means to do so, I suggest you
GET THE HELL *OUT* of America, as soon as

That part of the bill is being sposored by a few
right-wing christian fundamentalist DOUCHEBAGS,
who have looked at ways to censor the Net for years.
The way the law is written, a number of internet industries
could be wiped out. If you work in:

Anonymising services
Encrypted proxies
Internet radio/tv
Internet porn
Message boards
Server Farms
Stream hosting
Web hosting services
"web proxies" (dgs would know what this is)
VPN providers

You may soon be out of a job. Protect IP was bad enough,
now there are some right-wing SHITHEADS from the
Christian Right that want to make it even WORSE.
Virtually every company in the afforementioned industries
will have to close down. A lot of these are companies
thait rely on user generated content that would be affected
by this legislation.

And there is, from some interpreations, a version of the
Commercial Felony Streaming Act that is so BAD,
that even streaming privately, just to YOURSELF
would become illegal. Streaming privately within your
own LAN, would be a felony offence. And unlike the
Senate version of CFSA, merly VIEWING illegal
content would be a felony crime unde the house
version. So if you are watching pirated skating
videos on Justin TV (and there are often a lot
of them at times), you will be a felon under this

And for anyone who might be using any kind
of proxy to circumvent georestrictions on the
Eurovision Olympics feed, which a lot of Americans
have done, becuase NBC has such lowsy Olympics
coverage, you will now be a felon if you do THAT.

And this could affect schools and colleges with closed
circuit TV that beams educational programming to
classrooms. This has largely replaced the VCR in
a lot of schools. Under this law, CSUS, my alma
mater, would be breaking the law, they way
their closed circuit campus TV is set up.
Thomas Groom
2011-10-26 23:53:24 UTC
Post by Chilly8
Which is what the Del Taco manager wants you to do.
2011-10-27 04:31:51 UTC
Post by Chilly8
The end of online sports broadcasting, REGARDLESS of WHERE it comes
from could be near, and this is *NOT* BULLSHIT!!!!!!
There are rumors that the House version of the Protect IP Act could be
even WORSE than the Senate version.
This one REALLY COULD shut down streaming providers, and others
site, that rely on user-generated cotent. And this could also affect
online broadcasts of figure skating, REGARDLESS of where you
get it from.
It is too bad though, becuase there is one app for Anroid
phones that will make broadcasting easy. It can use the new
high grade camera in the smartphone. All we have to do is
create a Justin TV channel, configure it not to be in the
directory, and simply restrict access to our geoprotected
page for viewing video. The fact that you can send from
a cellphone camera straight to Justin TV would have
made broadcasting easier. With the e-parasites act,
that does not look like it will happen.

Now, if someone could come up with a way to get
TVAnts to work on Android phones, that woud be
great, as we could use our georestricted TVants server,
which is better protected. Without Windows Media
Player available for Android phones, there will be no
way that TVants/CCants will be able to release an app
for Android phones.
Jeanne Douglas
2011-10-27 06:21:54 UTC
Why do you continually respond to own messages. Multiple times within
the same thread? Spewing a passle of lies that nobody has the least
interest in wading through.

Good thing I skim well, because you sneak those lies into the most
tedious messages.

But, damn it, stop responding to your own messages; it's creepy.

"the lybian lier"